Lock In Prices Now Before They Increase

For those of you who aren’t already aware, we recently increased some of our prices for our BigYield products. This decision was in response to raw material prices increasing across the industry. We want to make sure our customers know our commitment is always to make our farmers as profitable as possible. We are working hard to keep price increases to a minimum.

With this in mind, we want to re-emphasize our advice for growers to lock in prices as soon as they can. With continued supply chain issues and raw material shortages, price increases in the industry will likely continue into 2022. To keep your costs down, contact your BigYield sales rep as soon as possible to lock in your products for next year.

Current Price Increases

  • BP In-Furrow has increased to $8.90 per gallon
  • BigSweetYield has increased to $3.55 per pound ($2.99 / lb. in pallet quantities)
  • Yield Booster has increased to $23.26 per gallon (tankerload pricing available)
  • BigSweetYield DB has increased to $17.96 per gallon

Schedule a Call

If you would like to talk to a BigYield representative about locking in your pricing for 2022, fill out the form below and one of our representatives will get back to you in within a few days.

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