BigSweetYield DB is a cold-processed sweetener mixed with the BigBioYield poly-microbial blend and Yield Booster with seven micronutrients. It has proven to significantly increase soybean yields, and it delivers all the benefits provided by the BigSweetYield cold-processed sweetener.
Key Benefits
- Increases proteins, vitamins, minerals, and sugar within the plant
- Increases yield potential by improving plant health
- Has shown to consistently reduce insect pressure
- Promotes enhanced disease resistance
- Increases the availability of nutrients
- Enhances fungicidal activity
- Increases plant health, plant vigor, and pod development
- Creates pure energy for the soybean plant
Growers like you are seeing healthy yield increases by applying BigSweetYield DB as a foliar application.
Recommended Application – Soybeans
We recommend applying BigSweetYield DB at the R1-R3 growth stages, when the soybean plant is flowering. We recommend applying at a rate of 3 quarts per acre.
What BigYield.us Customers are Saying
Working this year with the BigSweetYield DB system, we saw a yield increase of 5-6 bushels per acre. The yield definitely went up where the BigSweetYield DB was added.
– Paul Davis, New Kent County, VA (2015)
– Paul Davis, New Kent County, VA (2015)
We saw a 10 bushel per acre increase where we used the BigSweetYield DB. This product more than pays for itself, and that’s why we use it.
– Chris Thompson, Appleton City, MO (2015)
– Chris Thompson, Appleton City, MO (2015)