High Yield Corn on Display at the Boden Seed Field Day

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Basically, what we’re looking at here is that we have got two checks done. We have got an eight gallon with the acre, and a four gallon, and then we’ve got our check. Two things you can notice right off the bat is the root mass, the thickness of the diameter of the stocks, the brace roots, but where it matters the most is the size of the ears. It’s usually a lot easier to show you guys, but basically what this equivilates or equals this equals money here. Basically what we’re looking at is we’ve got sixteen kernels around, forty-five long, we’ve got sixteen kernels around, sixteen rows around, thirty-five rows along here and you’ve got sixteen rows around and forty-one rows long. So, just off the formula and the little program we’ve got, if you enter the kernels around kernels long it gives you an estimated yield. Basically with an eight gallon to the acre mix we estimated this corn yield to be 224 bushel. The check had 160, and the four gallons had 204 bushel an acre. And this is on irrigated corn.

The corn was planted May 15th, with a thirty-six row plan with twenty inch spacing & thirty thousand plant population. That’s how many seeds per acre we were trying to get to stand, and that’s what we’re looking at there. And, I’m going to let Kellen talk about this. Kellen’s new with us this year; he graduated from the University of Missouri. He was a tiger; he also wrestled for the University of Missouri. He was a wrestler. and we were fortunate enough to have him come work with us. Kellen?

Alright so, this summer we’ve kinda been promoting some of our high yielding products. I was in charge of the Smart Plot program; that’s what we called it. We’ve got thirty locations all over Missouri. Fifteen are on the west, fifteen are in the east. And basically we had two applications of our product. First application was our soy 100DB; we sprayed it at V3 to V5 stage. I couldn’t make this out either. Then we came back for our second application about R3-R4 right when the soy bean starts to pop, and we sprayed our BT Foliar Plus-. And one of our plots just so happened to be right here; we went and pulled a couple plants. This was our… yeah this was the check. On our check strips we had we counted forty-five total pods, and then where we sprayed the product we had sixty-three. So, that’s what we’re really looking at there; is boosting yields In soybeans with our products.

Where’d Franklin go? This is Franklin Weaver; we work with Franklin as well. Do you have anything to add Franklin? Alright, that’s what we do. And that pretty much sums it up. Without giving you guys the whole load. Do you guys have any questions?

Do you know much anything about rod helping? And then also Rod we’ve got a planter out here for some of you guys that don’t understand how in-furrow works I couldn’t understand either we’ve got a planter here set up to show the different ways to apply in-furrow. That’s it.

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