The Big Yield Bus Gets a Facelift

Big Yield Bus with GraphicsOne of the things we do a LOT of over here at is show people what we’re growing in our Research Plots. It doesn’t matter whether we’re showing them our 100 Bushel Soybeans, our 300 Bushel Corn, or our 100 Bushel Wheat… correction, our 164 Bushel Wheat, which by the way, you can read all about by downloading our Free Report here. One tool that is indispensable to our Show and Tell efforts is our Sprinter Van. We affectionately refer to her as the Big Yield Bus.

You might have seen these vehicles around town lately. They are called Sprinters and they are manufactured by Mercedes. They seem to be popping up everywhere anymore and come in both luxury styled versions, as well as cargo versions. Regardless of how it is styled, it’s just a pretty sweet ride as far as we’re concerned. And our customers always seem to enjoy riding in it also.

Big Yield Bus Before GraphicsWe’ve had the Big Yield Bus for well over a year now. And one day we were standing around outside talking about some of the upcoming shows that we were planning to attend when the Boss Man said, “You know? We really should do something to jazz up the outside of the bus.” Boy, did the lightbulbs go off in our heads! We came up with all sorts of ideas about how we could dress it up. First we kicked around the idea of adding Hula Girls dancing on piles of corn. Next someone said we should show a bunch of high falootin’ city girls hitch hiking their way to Kansas. There were other crazy scenarios that got kicked around, too. Some that can’t be (ahem) repeated. Eventually we decided we should stay a little more true to our business focus. So we settled on graphics displaying Farm Girls dancing in a wheat field. About that time the Boss Man chimed in and said, “Ain’t no way in God’s Green Earth that you’re putting Farm Girls dancing in a wheat field on my bus. It’ll be a soybean field!”

You can see the finished Big Yield Bus above. It turned out pretty good! But I’m not entirely sure what happened to the Farm Girls dancing in a soybean field. When it was finished, I went to pick the vehicle up and the lady at the sign company was apologizing for how long it took her to get the job done. She mumbled something about having to pull off the original graphics and start over…

The next time you see the Big Yield Bus driving around your fields, be sure to stop us and say hello. Besides being able to give you our precise recipe for how you can achieve 100 Bushel Soybeans, 300 Bushel Corn, and 100 Bushel Wheat, we just might have a special gift for you!

See you in the Fields!

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