The “Big Deal” Program Will Be Available For 2020

As we wrap up this year’s “Big Deal” program, we wanted to let you know we will be offering the program again for the 2020 growing season. We will be releasing exact details soon. Watch the video from Brian Kurz to learn more.

Video Transcript

Hey guys, Brian Kurz again with Renegade Research and today we’re going to talk about the Big Deal program.

This was a program we launched last year and it was a collaberation between, Renegade Research, and Yield Plus. We were wanting to look at yield placement in a program study. We combined a dry planter box treatment with a combination of liquid fertilizer, biologicals, humates, and a few other things in-furrow. The farmer also applied a foliar later on.

The program went really well. We tested it on a little over 2,000 acres this year. We’re starting to see those results coming in now. We were also doing a test on the side – something we were hoping to bring out for the next year – which was the possibility of doing nitrogen along with that as an option to the farmer. We did some tests with that and have some results flowing in.

We wanted to let you know that program is going to go for another year. We’re looking at bringing that into the area again. This is something that is going to stay close to our main location here in Garden City. We’ll probably stay within a 25 mile radius of our home base. But, if you have in-furrow on your planter already we will be able to offer you a program as well.

Again, we’re wanting to look at side-by-side data. We want to see that on a larger scale and use that as more of a practical research. We had a great year with a lot of good things and good technology.

We’re looking at a lot of good information and as those results come in, we’re excited to launch the program again for the 2020 season.

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