Plan Now for Spring Foliar Wheat Applications

In recent years, the wheat market has been bleak. Large harvests worldwide pressured prices. However, market indicators suggest some interesting potential conditions for this year’s crop.

According to USDA data shared in a recent Bloomberg story, the U.S. is projected to have planted fewer winter wheat acres this year than in the past century. With lower acreage and potential weather-related problems, wheat inventories may decline. A reduction in inventory could support upward price movement. You can access the full Bloomberg story below.

At, we make it our goal to save our growers money, make our growers money and save our growers time. That commitment extends to wheat growers who are seeking to make the most from wheat acreage that they planted last fall.

We offer several cost-effective, yield-enhancing solutions that work well as spring foliar treatments. For one, BigSweetYield is a cold-processed sweetener that provides an energy boost to plants, increases plant Brix levels and contributes to overall plant health.

In 2016, our BigSweetYield cold-processed sweetener contributed to improved wheat yields and strong return on investment. With the BigSweetYield treatment at 1 pound per acre, yields increased by 3.6 bushels per acre compared with a check, and it generated a 569 percent return, assuming $4.60 per bushel wheat.

Micronutrient deficiencies can create problems for wheat crops, depending on farm location and the existing fertility program. To avoid a deficiency, we recommend a Yield Booster application. Yield Booster supplies a 12-9-6 fertilizer and seven vital micronutrients.

To capture benefits from both the sweetener and micronutrients, our BigSweetYield DB is an option. It blends the cold-processed sweetener, the multiple beneficial bacteria in our BigBioYield product and the nutrients in Yield Booster.

In 2016, our research trials found that wheat treated with BigSweetYield DB at 3 quarts per acre yielded 17.3 bushels per acre more than the check. The BigSweetYield DB produced a return on investment that exceeded 660 percent, assuming that wheat prices were $4.60 per bushel.

To learn more about using these three products as foliar wheat treatments, watch Kent Kauffman of explain about applying the products in this video.

If you have questions about managing wheat, then please call or email anytime.

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