MOA Conference 2019 – Key Takeaways

Our team recently attended the 2019 Mid-America Organic Association Conference in Independence, Missouri. There was a lot of good information at the conference, and we highly recommend putting it on your calendar for next year. Watch the video to hear David Yoder discuss his key takeaways from the conference.

Video Transcript

Hi everybody, this is David Yoder. I work for AgMaxx. I’m coming to you from the Garden City research farm here in Garden City, Missouri. We want to talk to you a little bit about the MOA Conference we attended this last weekend.

It was a really good show this year. If I could take away anything from this show, it was a lot about soil health. What soil health means to your plants and how that is going to help increase yields. We also talked a lot about cover crops. What they mean, what they are used for, how to use them, etc. There is a whole bunch of information out there.

The big thing they were talking about on cover crops is treating them like a cash crop. Don’t just throw them out there and hope they grow – if they don’t, oh well. There are guys out there using cover crops and they’re creating a lot of nitrogen. They are fixating a lot of nitrogen in the soil. They’re also helping with weed control. There are a lot of good benefits to cover crops.

There were guys there talking about flame weeding or burners. They were talking about different practices on those. They discussed stages where you can burn soybeans. There are a lot of guys out there saying you can’t burn soybeans. Well, you can, and you want to burn them right as the third trifoliate is starting on the soybeans. You want to burn that corn early, right as it is spiking through the ground. You can burn it up to three leaves out of the ground.

There was a lot of good information out there. It was a really good show and I hope you guys got the chance to attend. If you didn’t you should put it on your calendar for next year. It’s around the end of January usually. Like I said, if you made it I’m glad you did and I hope I got to talk to you there. If not, put it on your calendar for next year and I hope to see you there.

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