Looking for 300 Bushel Corn? Let Us Show You How to Get It!

Hi, I’m Kellen Bounous, with big yield, today is September 17th and we’re going to be looking at some corn today that a farmer here in the Garden City area planted. He was set up with John Deere planter, 20, 36 row, with a 30,000 seed population. Franklin Weaver here is going to talk a little bit about the program that we had him set up with.

I’m Franklin Weaver with Country Road Distributors, and like Kellen said, 20 inch spacing, 30,000 population. He’s got about 190 pounds of nitrogen, 150 that come through anhydrous, then he’s got some P & K, 80, 120 on P & K, and the difference maker is the in-furrow. You’ve got 8 gallons here, 4 gallons here and the check. Our normal is the 4 gallon; the 8 gallon we’re experimenting with.

This is a local grower and he’s doing some of his own testing with this, and these are some of the results. With either the 4 or the 8 you can see a bigger leaf, and you can see a little bit bigger ear size on the 8. However, the four is still really good. Either one of the in-furrows, you can see filled out the ear way past the check. This is the check, and you can see that it didn’t fill out quite like these other 2 did.

To weigh in a little bit more on this, I’m going to introduce Neil Lang; Neil has been in agronomy for over 30 years, and he is an expert in his field. So, I’m going to turn it over to him.

Sure, thank you Franklin. I had a chance to go out to the field and see these plants two weeks after planting. With the starter fertilizer we saw a quicker more consistent emergence. We saw that the plants with the went off to a better start. As you can see now we’re about 2 weeks away from harvest, and the momentum that was gained early has kept through the entire season. Like Franklin mentioned, the plants that had the starter fertilizer are more robust, not only in the ear development, but in the ear length and the consistency.

This is going to be harvested at a much earlier time, and it’s going to contain much less moisture content, so that the farmer doesn’t have to spend extra money drying this crop down. Also, as Franklin already mentioned our starter test had ears that already filled out to the tip. You can see that at the high rate, the ear has already tipped down. It’s matured earlier, you can tell from the wider leaf already desiccating to a much higher level than the plants that the other two products were used on. So, I think this year is a great year to observe the benefits of the starter fertilizer package that the gentlemen down in Garden City, Missouri are providing to mid-west growers.

One more thing that I might add here, you can see a lot better root mass. Now, these don’t do complete justice, the ground was pretty hard, and we struggled to get all the roots out. However, you can clearly see the difference between the check and the in-furrow. That’s one thing that we’ve noticed, the bigger the root mass, the more energy is driven into that plant, and that’s why we’re getting this higher yield. Thank you Kellen. Thank you Neil.

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