Last Call for BigSmartPlots Participation on Corn Acreage

Today’s the last day to sign up for a 2017 BigSmartPlots corn plot! This year, our BigSmartPlots corn program enables growers to test our new BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn seed treatment.

With the BigSmartPlots program, growers can design their own trials to fit the unique needs and conditions of their operations. Trials must compare a check to corn seed treated with BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn. Growers may choose their desired acreage, and plots may be as small as 50 acres. At harvest, participating growers report back to the team. At that time, they’ll share plot yield data and experiences with the seed treatment.

In past trials, the BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn seed treatment has increased corn yields by as much as 10 percent. Returns have been strong, too. Tests have computed return on investment to exceed 440 percent, assuming that corn prices average $3.58 per bushel.

The BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn seed treatment has yield-enhancing potential because it supplies multiple vital nutrients: calcium, magnesium, sulfur, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum and zinc. Not only does the seed treatment supplement these nutrient levels, but it also positions these nutrients close to the seed and root zone. That way, seeds and young seedlings have ready access to the nutrients that they need to emerge and develop well.

In our experience, treating seed with BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn has great potential when corn faces tough growing conditions. For example, during drought-like conditions, the treatment may give seed and seedlings the boost that they need to persevere through the dry weather. Alternatively, the treatment can improve corn stands when soils are cold and wet.

BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn, which is applied as a dry planter box treatment, is available in 25-pound pails. When applying the seed treatment, product needed to cover one acre will vary by planting population and seed bag or unit weight. To help growers determine application rates, we at have created a BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn coverage and use calculator.

With the calculator, you can enter your corn planting population and unit weight, and the calculator estimates acres covered with one BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn pail. Plus, it projects ounces of product needed for treating a unit of seed. You can access the calculator here. In this video, Kent Kauffman of shows how to use the calculator.

After corn emerges, the need for good management continues. This story from AgWeb shares insect, disease and weed control tips to ensure that your corn crop has a productive, high-yielding year.

If you’d like to participate in the BigSmartPlots corn program, then please contact me today!

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