Introducing the BigYield Bundle Program

We’re excited to announce our latest way for customers to receive product discounts – the BigYield Bundle Program. Through the program, discounts will be available for customers who purchase multiple products at the same time. Additional discounts will be available for things such as increasing total orders from last year, being a part of the VISPS crop verification program, and more. Be sure to contact your BigYield sales representative to learn more.

Video Transcript

Hey guys, John Ortiz with, today we’re going to be discussing our discount program that we’re going to be running from September 15th through October 1st. It is going to be our bundle program so you can bundle two or three products. Your choices from our Foliar applications line up or seed treatment line up, or our In-Furrow application line up. There’s also additional ways that you can get even more discounts and bigger discounts, one of those is increasing your order form last year by 5%, it gets you an additional discount. Try some of our new products, our BioEnhance or our HyperBio, that we’ve released into the BigYield as well. Try those and get an additional percentage. So if you sign up for the VISPS verification on the Non-GMO or some of our consulting services, you can also get an additional discount. Again pick two or three products, qualify for a discount, we’re also going to be running John Deere financing or JDF through December 2021, so no payments until next year basically. So this will give you an opportunity to take advantage of these programs and these discounts and these sales that are going to be going on for having the ability to pick two or pick three of these products. If you have any questions, get a hold of one of your BigYield consultants or one of your DSM’s. Any questions, comments, concerns, whatever you may have, give us a call or get  hold of us on

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