Cody Claflin Discusses BP In-Furrow and BigSweetYield

Cody Claflin – a grower out of Sheldon, MO – shows the difference that BP In-Furrow and BigSweetYield can make on soybeans. He had one row of his in-furrow application plug up, and the difference was substantial. Watch the video to learn more. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us anytime.

Video Transcript

David Yoder: Hi everybody, this is David Yoder. I’m with BigYield, and we’re out here at a field day with Cody Claflin. Cody, what do we have going on here?

Cody Claflin: So what we have is a 5 gallon of in-furrow program with one pound of sweetener. I had a row plug up, which looks pretty obvious. This was right next to my no fertility plot vs. my standard practice. I figured if I have a row plug up, I’ll just try it and see how the year shakes out.

I think this is pretty good. We have good fertility here – adequate phosphate, good potassium numbers. A decent pH. So typically someone would think that they had enough fertility. This just shows what adding a little bit extra to an already decent fertility program does – especially when you have had challenging conditions like we have had in 2019.

David: Yeah it was super wet this year. You said these were a food-grade non-GMO bean, is that right?

Cody: Yes, these are a food-grade, non-GMO, 4.6 soybean. They were planted in the middle of July. This is still decent fertility. If I went and pulled soil samples on this I would say we had a decent start. This one has four pods that are half full. One is aborted. That is a three pod bean with two full. This one here is obviously substantially more. We’re looking at at least ten pods and we are still flowering and still filling pods. So we’re over double and I’d be suprised if we aren’t far from over triple.

What a lot of people don’t realize it it being just one row it’s hard to pick up in a combine. You need to get out in the field and see changes like this. I’m very happy with this program. I think this was very eye-opening to my customers when we saw this today. I’m excited to see the changes in our no fertility and standard practice.

David: Thanks Cody. Thanks for letting us come to your field day. Hope you have a good year.

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