When applying foliar treatments, chelation can make a big difference. Chelation protects nutrient ions from environmental factors that can degrade nutrients and make them less available to plants. Our Yield Booster product is a foliar treatment that supplies multiple vital nutrients, including several that are chelated. For more information, call 844-242-4367, or go to https://www.bigyield.us/.
Read More »Applying the BigYieldCoat Soy Seed Treatment in a Center-Fill Planter
BigYieldCoat Soy, formulated to supply vital nutrients and support good emergence, growth and development, is a dry seed treatment. It works well in many planters, including those with center-fill units. To use BigYieldCoat Soy in a center-fill planter, first sprinkle the treatment as seed fills the planter. Then, mix to ensure that seed is covered evenly. The agitator in the …
Read More »Use a Burner to Organically Control Insects
Burners use propane-fueled torches to generate heat that measures roughly 2,200 degrees F. The heat can kill insects and their eggs found above the soil surface and within about the top 1/8 inch of soil. The heat can control insects such as stink bugs and armyworms. Growers can use a burner pre-emergence or post-emergence depending on insect pressure. Note that …
Read More »Insect Control Options for Corn
As corn emerges, pest pressure can create a challenge for corn, even in acreage that used an insecticide seed treatment. Cutworms and grubs are two pests posing some problems for growers in the Midwest. We encourage farmers to regularly scout their fields to identify whether insect populations are present at harmful levels. Applying an insecticide can help to minimize damage …
Read More »Try Crop Biologicals on the Farm by Blending Them with Dry Fertilizer
Combining a crop biological and dry fertilizer is an easy way to try biologicals on the farm. As a dry fertilizer amendment, BP FA from BigYield.us enables growers to add a biological with multiple beneficial bacteria to their dry fertilizer. Microbes in the multiple beneficial bacteria blend ensure that nutrients are available for plants to use. They help to protect …
Read More »BigYield.us Adds Spray Drone As a Research Farm Testing Tool
The research team at BigYield.us will use a new spray drone this year to enhance its on-farm testing capabilities. The spray drone has a 10-foot boom that enables the research team to spray four 30-inch rows at a time. It also features a 4.4-gallon tank and 44-pound lift capacity. With this equipment, the BigYield.us team can improve its product testing …
Read More »BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn Supports Quick, Even Corn Emergence
This spring, we at BigYield.us and our growers have tested the performance of BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn, our dry planter box seed treatment that blends multiple nutrients meant to support corn growth and development. Corn treated with BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn has supported even, quick emergence. Treated corn has also shown thicker stalks and stronger root system development, even in challenging planting …
Read More »Weed Control Options for Soybeans
Proactive weed control in soybeans is effective weed control! We at BigYield.us recommend to begin addressing problematic weeds in the fall. Spring control may include a burndown followed by a multi-chemistry strategy to combat weeds and grasses. Later, control in-season weeds as necessary with a herbicide application combined with our BigSweetYield cold-processed sweetener. For more information, contact our BigYield.us team …
Read More »Organically Protect Crops from Disease Pressure with the Double Nickel Biological Fungicide
The Double Nickel biological fungicide from BigYield.us supplies a beneficial bacterium that may control or suppress crop diseases. Applied as an in-furrow or foliar treatment, Double Nickel has OMRI certification, so it’s an option for organic producers. Double Nickel is designed to support plant health for crops including corn, soybeans and wheat. It also mixes well with BigSweetYield, our cold-processed …
Read More »How Soybeans and Corn Can Efficiently Use Naturally Chelated Nutrients
The BigYieldCoat Soy and BigYieldCoat Corn +Zn seed treatments, naturally chelated dry planter box treatments, supply nine nutrients vital to soybean and corn emergence, growth and development. With naturally chelated nutrients, growers may maximize efficiency of nutrient applications. To produce chelated nutrients, a particular nutrient bonds with organic molecules, such as lignands. The ligands essentially act as a “claw” to …
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