Blake Seba Discusses His First Year Using BigSweetYield

Blake Seba with Seba Brothers Farms discusses their experience using BigSweetYield. BigSweetYield is our cold-processed sweetener that raises a plants Brix levels and creates a healthier plant. It can be mixed with herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, and fertilizers. If you have any questions or want to learn more about BigSweetYield, contact us online at or call (844) 242-4367.

Video Transcript

Blake: I’m Blake Seba with Seba Brothers Farms out of Cleveland, Missouri.

John: What do you guys farm Blake?

Blake: Mainly corn and soybeans. We’ll do a little bit of wheat but mostly corn and soybeans.

John: Alright. Well, today I was going to ask you a couple questions on the BigSweetYield product. What are your thoughts? I know this is your first year using it. Have you seen any differences, how does it handle, and stuff like that. So go ahead.

Blake: Our first year using it has been a good one. I feel like it’s done some good things for us. We have some test spots, where we have made some passes. Some fields we didn’t use it and some fields we did. I think the fields we’ve used it in for the most part the beans have a deeper, darker green color. They look a little bit healthier. They also look a little bit taller. It seems like this year a lot of people are having some short beans. The beans we used the BigSweetYield on seem to be a little bit taller than the rest of them. As far as handling the product, it handles really well – just like any other standard 50 pound bag of AMS you could say. It reminds me just of powdered sugar. Dump it in, it sucks through the inductors and dissolved really well.

John: Perfect. Blake, have you had any mixing problems or how does it mix with other herbicides, fungicides, or insecticides?

Blake: As far as mixing with other things, I haven’t seen any problems. We have used the BigSweetYield alone as an AMS substitute by itself and gotten good results. We’ve used it with AMS and gotten good results as well. As far as mixing it or having problems mixing with any other chemicals, nothing has come to my attention. I haven’t had any problems with it.

John: Another question that people ask is how does it mix with fertilizer products, say like our product Yield Booster? I know you’ve sprayed some or had some experience mixing with that. Did you see any problems going into fertilizer mixes?

Blake: No, I didn’t. We’ve sprayed it with a couple different fertilizer mixes or foliar feeding agents. Your BigSweetYield DB, we sprayed some with that and it mixes fine with that. We’ve also sprayed it with some Versa Max and it seems to work really good with that too. I wouldn’t have any concerns if people are concerned about it. I wouldn’t even hesitate to tell them go ahead and put it in there.

John: Alright. Blake, thanks man.

Blake: Thank you.

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