Balance Lower Soybean Populations with Treated Seed

In the past few weeks, soybean planting has accelerated. Monday’s planting progress report from USDA shared that that 53 percent of soybean acreage in selected states had been planted. Growers have roughly half of the country’s soybean acreage yet to plant, though.

Planting population may be one factor still on the minds of soybean growers who are preparing to plant. This story from DTN/The Progressive Farmer highlights the interest in reducing seeding rates. Because of changes in soybean genetics, a smaller planting population is more viable today than in decades past. A soybean plant that branches well can make good use of extra space in a “thinner” crop’s canopy.

For a thin soybean stand to do well, however, the DTN/The Progressive Farmer story suggests the importance of fully supporting each seed that goes into the ground. Seed treatments represent a strategy that more growers have used to encourage a healthy, strong soybean crop.

In particular, the story cites that nearly 80 percent of soybeans now use a treatment. That’s a stark change from the less than 10 percent that used treatments about a decade ago. Growers today also have a wide range of treatments from which to choose — everything from inoculants to insecticides.

At, we agree that seed treatments serve as an excellent tool to promote early soybean growth and development. This year, we’ve introduced the BigYieldCoat Soy seed treatment to offer just that support to seeds and seedlings. The BigYieldCoat Soy seed treatment supplies nine vital nutrients. It’s also easy to apply. This video features one of our growers, Rod Smith from Cleveland, Mo., applying the BigYieldCoat Soy seed treatment using a central-fill planter.

In our experience, treated seed tend to emerge quicker. Also, the treatment helps young soybean seedlings to grow strong shoots, develop extensive root systems and fix nitrogen. Ultimately, yields have improved following the BigYieldCoat Soy treatment, too. Tests have demonstrated yield increases of as much as 7.5 percent.

If you’re considering the BigYieldCoat Soy seed treatment, then you can enroll in our BigSmartPlots program. Growers who participate in the program can design a BigYieldCoat Soy trial on as few as 40 acres. Tests should compare seed treated with BigYieldCoat Soy to a check, and growers share plot yield data and experiences with after harvest. You can gauge BigYieldCoat Soy coverage and use needs with the BigYieldCoat Soy calculator available online. Check out it!

For more information about BigYieldCoat Soy or soybean planting recommendations, then please call or email anytime!

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