Ag Classic Expo Updates and Registration

Ag Classic Expo

In case you missed our video last week, we want to make sure you are aware that you need to let us know if you plan to attend the Ag Classic Expo on August 24th. With social distancing efforts in place, we have decided to stagger the arrival of guests in half-hour incrememnts to help keep everyone safe.

Time slots for guests to arrive begin at 4:30 PM, and groups will arrive every 30 minutes throughout the evening. 7:30 PM will be the last arrival time.

Upon arrival, guests will go on plot tours. They will then have the opportunity to eat and network (safely) with exhibitors.

We want all potential attendees to know that we are taking every precaution necessary to keep you safe at this event. We have been working closely with our county health department to help us with safety and will continue to improve every area we can.

To register for the event, you can go to and register online. You can also call our office at (816) 773-6018 or email us at

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We hope to see you on the 24th, and if you don’t make it be sure to watch the event live at the website above or on Facebook or YouTube.

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