427 Percent ROI on Corn with Yield Topper OT

Yield Topper OT is a new product that the BigYield.us research team has been testing for the last few years. It is a liquid chicken litter with other nutrients and a carbon source. It can be used for both conventional and organic operations. Yield Topper OT produced a great ROI in 2017 research on corn, applied foliar at a rate of 2 gallons per acre. Watch the video from David Yoder to learn more. If you have any questions or are interested in trying Yield Topper OT on your farm, contact us anytime.

Video Transcript

Hi everybody, my name is David Yoder. I’m coming to you from the research farm today. I want to talk to you a little bit about ROI’s on our Yield Topper, which is a new product we are bringing on this year. It’s a product we’ve used for about three years now. We’ve been playing with it on the research farm.

Basically it’s a liquid chicken litter with some micronutrients as well as a carbon source. It can be used in organic farming as well as conventional. That is one thing we like to do here – keep our price points down so our conventional guys can use it also. We did several research plots in 2017. We saw some pretty good results.

On corn, we applied Yield Topper at a rate of 2 gallons per acre and we saw a 30.7 bushel per acre increase, which is pretty big. With the cost of the product and the price of corn at the time, it was a 427% ROI.

Let us know if you have any questions or if you would like to try some of the product. We would love to get in on your farm and in front of you guys and see what you guys think. This is David, signing off from the research farm.

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